To Promote Beef in Eastern Wisconsin through Education, Sales & Other Events



Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers and Promoters
The November 13, 2024 meeting was called to order by President EJ Lillesand

Secretary report was read and approved by Sarah Peterson and seconded by Terry Kohl, motion passes

Treasures Report was reviewed motion made by Randy Rortvedt and seconded by Karen Nienhaus, motion passes

Old Business

  • Memorial Board: Is at the engravers and Josh Ermer is working on it.
  • 501c3: Nichole is working it.
  • Steak Fry: Date/Location: February 15, 2025 at The Village at 170, Donna will be contact the Hall to start finalizing things in January
    • Tickets: Are here please take with you tonight, also If you need more or know someone that needs some please contact Nichole.
    • Entertainment: Jason Braun (DJ)
    • Silent Auction: Yes we will be collecting items from members
    • Large Item Raffle: We have purchased a Black Stone Grill, looking for someone that makes the Barn Quilts (Sarah is checking with El Barn Quilts), and was thinking about getting a pellet smoker.
    • Advertising: Donna will be reaching out to the Beef Council for help and advertising, will be putting in the newspapers once again, also will be posted on web page and Facebook
    • Grants: They will be due on November 30, 2024 and then a review/interview committee will be selected to pick winners.
    • Scholarships: Are out on the Website and Due March 1st
  • Any Other Old Business: No Other Old Business

New Business

  • Melt Down: Washington County Fair Grounds are reserved for April 11-12
  • Speaker Ideas: (Donna) Beef Council – April ?, (EJ) Dairy Doctor’s – January, Cattlemen’s Jared? - March
  • Any other Business: Dates for Meetings 2025 January 8, March 12, April 23, September 10, November 12,
  • January 14, 2026 - Garrett mentioned that there are a few members that would be interested in running a sale thru SC Sale. Garrett will bring back more information.

Meeting was Adjourned by Sarah Peterson and seconded by Karen Nienhaus
Next meeting January 8, 2025 Chissy’s 7pm
Respectfully Subitted by Nichole Paulow
Attendance: Karen, Nichole, Mark, Donna, Sarah, Jeff, Randy, EJ, Michelle, Garrett, Terry


Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers and Promoters
Meeting minutes from 11-07-2023

Meeting was called to order by President Chris Reichert

Chris read the Secretary’s Report
Motion to approve the report was made by Sara Peterson
Second by Nichole Paulow, report was approved

Treasurer’s Report was presented by Jeff Born.
Motion to approve the report was made by EJ
Second by Randy Rortvedt, report was approved

Old Business

Steak Fry
Tickets are available to sell.
A lottery tree and raffles were discussed. Members encouraged to get donations.
Booked a DJ, approximate expense $500
Hall price stayed the same at $750
Adds were placed with the Review Newspaper to run three times in the months before the fry.

New Business

Grant Program applications are due December 31st.
Scholarship forms are on the web site. Due March 1st.
Meltdown show judges are hired and preliminary planning has been discussed.
Discussion of running a food stand for the Boo Bash was presented. Decided to wait and see if this would be something we would want to do for a fund raiser.
Next years meeting dates will be, Jan. 10th, March 13th, April 24th, Sept. 11th, Nov. 13th, and Jan. 8th 2025.

A motion was made to adjourn by Karen Nienhaus and second by Sara Peterson . Meeting was adjourned

Jeff Born

Meeting minutes from 9-13-2023

Meeting was called to order by President Chris Reichert

Chris read the Secretary’s Report Motion to approve the report was made by Mark VandenHeuvel Second by Randy Rortvedt, report was approved

Treasurer’s Report was presented by Jeff Born Balances of each account was:
EWBPP $3168.76
Meltdown $19367.83
Motion to approve the report was made by Randy Rortvedt Second by Mark VandenHeuvel, report was approved

Old Business

Chris reported on the Memorial Board He received a quote from Josh Ermer for a 46” x 32” laser engraved sign. Cost would be $450 plus tax. It was approved by the Sheboygan County Fair to display the sign there. Eligibility would include active members and their minor children in case of death. A motion was made by Ron Jentsch to go ahead with purchase of a memorial board. Second by Garret Depies, motion passed.

New Business

Donna is meeting with the facilities. Discussion was had on eliminating a comedian. Having more and different tyes of raffles was talked about. Ticket prices were discussed and a motion was made by Randy Rortveldt to the raise ticket price to $30 each. Seconded by Ron Jentsch. Motion passed.
A motion was made to adjourn by Randy Rortveldt and second by Ron Jentsch. Meeting was adjourned

Respectfully, Jeff Born

Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers and Promoters
4-26-2023 Chissy’s Waldo, WI

Chris Reichert called the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers and Promoters meeting to order on April 26, 2023. Tiffany read the secretary’s report. A motion was made and passed to approve the secretary’s report as read. Jeff read the treasurer’s report with the main checking account balance of $4550.88 and the Meltdown checking account having a balance of $18,540.83. A motion was made and passed to approve the treasurer’s report.

Committee Updates

The Meltdown committee provide a recap of the show. The committee received lots of positive comments from exhibitors that the show was run very well.
The weather was great and allowed for better parking. The extra lights and shades on the windows helped reduce shadows. There was one scholarship received this year. The applicant was Courtney Rathke and she will be awarded $750.

Other Business

Chris is working with Josh Ermer to create a Memorial Board. Chris will attend the next fair board meeting to get the approval to put the board in the beef barn at the Sheboygan County Fairgrounds. There were no volunteers for the Field Day this year.
Reichert’s are hosting an event in August that they would be willing to co-advertise the event in place of the field day. Garret Depies was the attendance winner.
A motion was made and approved to adjourn the meeting at 7:32pm.

Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers and Promoters 3-8-23 Meeting Minutes

Chris Reichert called the meeting to order at 7:02 Pm. Tiffany read the secretary’s report. The report was approved and seconded. Jeff read the Treasurer’s report. The report was approved and seconded.
Steak Fry: Donna provided a recap of the steak fry. We think the advertising went well as numbers were up and lots of phone calls to buy tickets. The silent auction items were better than past years but could still use improvement. We will change the table location to the front of the silent auction line in future.
It was discussed that the venue is not set up well for a comedian. Need to look at revamping the idea of how the event is set up, whether there is entertainment or not. Would be nice to change the date so that we can avoid flag day that a number of our founding members attend. Should increase ticket prices as the price of meat and entertainment has gone up each year and ticket prices have not. Tabled until April meeting. Tickets need to be changed to not have a name and address listed on it if we are not pulling names for door prizes.
Scholarships: Donna received one scholarship. The scholarship is scored and ready for the committee to review after the meeting.
The Meltdown: Jeff gave update regarding special sponsorship to increase the top 5 payouts. The buckles that will be given to showmanship age division champions were presented. The sponsorship donations are down overall. Please reach out to community members to sponsor.
Field Day: Nobody volunteered to host. It was discussed if we should even have the event due to low turn out of attendees.
Sponsorships – it was discussed to give less to each show and put more towards The Meltdown.
Discussion was had on why we need to sponsor The Meltdown. A motion was made to give $300 per show as follows.
WI Livestock Breeders Association – for camp $300
River Falls - $300
World Beef Expo - $300
North East Livestock - $300
Valley Beef – Seymour & Boo Bash $600
Black River Falls - $300
A motion was made to put $1000 towards The Meltdown for the next 3 years and not return the start up money to the club account. The motion passed.
WI Beef Council Event: Event reached out to the club to see if anyone wanted to display their animals at their Burgers and Bun Fun Run on May 20th at the Wisconsin Farm Discovery.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:13.

EWBPP January Meeting Minutes

The January 11, 2023 meeting was called to order at 7:06 by Chris Reichert. Tiffany read the secretary’s report. EJ moved to accept the report as read and Barry second it. Nichole read the treasurer’s report. Dave moved to accept the report as read and Rob second it. Jeff read the Meltdown treasurer’s report. EJ moved to accept the report as read and Randy second it. 

Donna gave an update on the Steak Out. All food is ordered, entertainment is confirmed. Donna had a volunteer list at the meeting and will send an email for available volunteer opportunities. Rob has a letter for silent auction items if you would like to provide the letter to potential donors. The set up of the hall will be done differently with the silent auction items on the far wall, allowing entertainment to be in front. 

Nichole received one application for the grant program. The board will review after the meeting and determine awards. 

Jeff provide an update on The Meltdown. There will be buckles for showmanship awards this year. The judges have been finalized. Everything is going smoothly so far. There will be more updates in March. 

The scholarship application is updated on the website. Scholarships are due March 1st.

There was a proposal to remove personal information from website – there is a scammer posing as Chris Reichert for the past two years asking for gift cards. The request to remove personal information so future scams can not be avoided. Personal information will remain on the website and if you would like to have your information removed from the website, email Donna to remove the personal information.

Tiffany had reached out to Luke Gartman on what was needed to ask the fair board to put a memorial board in the beef barn at the fairgrounds. We will need to go in front of the fair board and present a proposal to have the board in the barn. Luke mentioned to keep the proposal at no cost or labor to the fair board. 

Nominations were opened for the election of the board. Nichole was nominated and accepted. Randy was nominated and accepted. Ryan was nominated and accepted. Sarah was nominated and accepted. A motion was moved and 2nd to close nominations. Randy, Ryan and Sarah were elected as board members. The updated board, with terms is as follows. 

2024 Donna Jeske (1) Chris Reichert (2) Garrett Depies (2)

2025 Jeff Born(1), Wayne Goehring(1), Tiffany Born(2)

2026 Randy Rortvedt(2), Ryan Goehring(2), Sarah Peterson(1)

Randy was the attendance winner. Barry moved to adjourn the meeting and Theresa seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:47. 

Board Meeting

Officer positions were selected for 2023 are as follows: President – Chris Reichert. Vice President – Garret. Secretary – Tiffany. Treasurer – Jeff.

Luke Hand was the grant application received. We will award him the $300 grant. Nichole will contact him and award him with the grant at the Steak Out.


EWBPP November Meeting Minutes
Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers and Promoters Secretary's Reports

Chris Reichert called the November, 9th meeting to order at 7:03pm. Tiffany ready the secretary's report. The report was approved as read and seconded. Nichole read the treasurer's report. The report was approved and seconded. There were no updates to the Meltdown treasurer's report.

The grant program has been updated on the website. The application is available there. The applications are due to Nichole by December 31st. Applications can be mailed or emailed. The program still includes 3 divisions with the awarded amounts for each division being up to $300.

The steak fry tickets are available. Nichole and Tiffany will have extra tickets for anyone that needs them. Royal provided a brochure for entertainment. Garret has reached out to Tim Gabrielson, who Royal recommended. He is waiting to hear back from Tim. The committee met and discussed areas to hang posters for the steak fry. Rob is in charge of the silent auction, please contact him for items to donate. Wayne will be doing the slideshow, please email him any pictures you want added to the slideshow. Donna will have the volunteer list at the January meeting for sign up. Please feel free to reach out to her any time if you would like to help with a specific item. There will not be a meat raffle this year.

The Meltdown will be held April 7th and 8th, 2023. The show will again be held at the Washington County Fair Park. The committee will begin meeting and will provide more updates

Chris had talked to Josh Ermer about building a board. Without knowing final dimensions and details, he was unable to give a final estimate, but based on the details discussed, could make a board for around $300. It was discussed that the best location to keep the board would be the Sheboygan County Beef Barn. Plaques could be added to the board stating the name and county of the deceased member. Tiffany will contact the Sheboygan County Fair Board to determine if they would allow a memorial board to be hung in the barn, and if it could stay in the barn year round.

2023 Meeting Dates were decided as the following dates. Note that the April meeting date has changed to a later week to allow for time for the Meltdown to prepare wrap up information. Jan 11th, 2023. March 8th, April 26th, Sept 13th, Nov 8th. Jan 10th, 2024

A request was made to have an expense report for the Meltdown and to transfer the $3000 back from the club.

Attendance Winner: Donna Jeske

Garret made a motion to adjourn at 7:38 and Sarah seconded it.

Tiffany Born

Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters
September 14, 2022
Secretary’s report

Meeting called to order by Chris Reichert

Secretary’s report was read by Nichole Paulow written by Tiffany Born was approved by Karen Nienhaus and Seconded by Randy Rortvedt.

Treasurers report read & approved on a motion by Rob Ash and seconded by Sarah Peterson

Unfinished Business:

Field Day: It was July 23rd, There was a small turn out. They had pasture walks and discussions.

Scholarship: Scholarship winners have been notified and waiting on 1st semester Grades for payout. The Scholarships are updated and out on the webpage for download and completion.

Memorial Boards: There was a discussion on what would be nice for a display, the thoughts were Memorial Stone or a sign with plaques on it. Donna was going to check with Marshall signs and Chris was going to check with Josh Ermer.

Logo: Tiffany is working on one and will has at the November Meeting for review.

New Business:

Grant Program: Nichole will update and get it on the Webpage for download for Application.

Steak Fry: February 11, 2023, Down payment was made. We are looking for a committee to help run the evening. If you would like to help Contact Donna. Garrett was going to contact Royal for the Entertainment so we can get it on the Tickets, Cost of the evening $25.00 Adult, $10.00 Child. Nichole will get the tickets printed and have them at the November Meeting. Looking for people to help for the evening.

Any other New Business: A letter was sent from the Sheboygan Judging Team requesting a donation for the team to go to Nationals. Garrett made a motion to donate $200.00 to the team and seconded by EJ. Motion Passes.

Attendance Winner: Mark VandenHeuvel

Meeting adjourned on a motion by Randy Rortvedt and Tyler Petersen

Important Dates to Remember:
Next Meeting: November 9th at 7pm at Chrissy’s
Steak Fry: February 11th

Submitted By Nichole Paulow

EWBPP April Meeting Minutes

The Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers and Promoters meeting was called to order on April 13th by Chris Reichert. Tiffany read the secretary’s report. A motion was moved and approved to accept and approve the report as read. Nichole read the treasurer’s report for the main club account with an ending balance of $8548.59. A motion was made and approved to accept the report as read.

Jeff provided a wrap up of The Meltdown stating the overall the show went well. There were lots of good comments from the exhibitors. There was about 150 head of cattle shown. The blower raffle made about $600. The 50/50 raffle made $375. The clothing invoice is not yet received to provide a recap.

Chris has volunteered to host the field day. They are thinking the first part of August. More information will be sent to members once details are determined.

The two scholarships were graded by outside judges. Donna was not able to attend the meeting but will send photos for the board to review after the meeting.

Discussion was had to do a memorial for Doris Beck as well as finally do one for Don Fenner. Karen made a motion to have a memorial board created that a plaque can be added to in memory of members that have passed. The motion passed. Options and pricing for the memorial will be provided at the September meeting.

Providing sponsorships to local shows was discussed. A motion was made and passed to provide the following sponsorships.
-Valley Beef: $500
-Pioneer Showdown: $250
-Black River Spring Thaw: $250
-World Beef Expo: $500
-Northeast: $500
-Boo Bash: $300

It was discussed to have a new logo created and “rebrand” the club. The branding could be used on apparel to sell at events such as the steak fry, and would help advertising and social media recognition. Tiffany will look into pricing and present at the September meeting.

Chris was the attendance winner. A motion was made and passed to adjourn the meeting.

Tiffany Born

EWBPP March Meeting Minutes

Chris Reichert called the meeting to order and introduced our guest speaker, Dr Amy Radunz from Purina. Dr. Amy gave her presentation on “the role of nutrition in developing programming of your calf crop.”

Tiffany read the secretary’s report and a motion was moved and approved to accept the report as read. Nichole read the treasurer’s report and a motion was moved and approved to accept the report as read.

Unfinished Business

Steak Fry: Nichole provided financial break down. Sold 302 adult tickets, 7 kid tickets. There was less profit for all categories, ticket sales, meat raffle, and silent auction. Looking at options to make changes for next year. Donna will be putting a committee together for Steak Fry 2023. If you would like to be on the committee, reach out to Donna.

Meat Raffle: Sold 500ish of the 750 tickets. Meat prices were up and ticket sales were down.

Scholarships: Two scholarships were received. Donna will be getting them to outside judges and will bring to the board to review at the April meeting.

The Meltdown: Jeff provided an update of the progress of the show. The Showman site has entries open. Sponsorships and apparel deadline is March 23rd.

New Business

Field Day: Host needed. Chris and Jenny Reichert may be willing to host. Will discuss and bring details to the next meeting.

Ideas/Guest Speakers for upcoming meetings. It was discussed to have a speaker for market update or upcoming technology.

Theresa was the attendance winner.

A motion was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting.

Tiffany Born

EWBPP January Meeting Minutes

Garret called the meeting to order at 7:10. Tiffany read the secretary’s report. The secretary’s report was approved and seconded as read. Karen read the treasurer’s report and it was approved and seconded as read.

The steak fry is February 12th. Donna will send an email with a sign up sheet. Please inform her of where you would like to help. Royal is working to get a comedian but the price has again increased. Wayne made a motion to have Royal find a comedian for $2000. The motion was seconded and approved. In attempt to have a better idea of the number of tickets sold to cook steaks and more efficiently receive payment from members, Tiffany will have a ticket table by the front doors. When members arrive, she will collect the tickets they have not sold and collect the money for all tickets they are not returning. If you have tickets spoken for but the attendees do not have the physical ticket and no payment has been made, the attendees can pick up the tickets at the table instead of searching for you at the event. Nichole is again heading the silent auction items. Please help to get items and let Nichole know ahead of time what items you will have.

Tiffany has extra meat raffle tickets if anyone needs some. There will also be tickets available to sell at the steak fry.

Nichole received 3 grant applications. She will work with Rob to set up interviews. The awards will be presented at the Steak Fry.

Jeff provided updates on the The Meltdown show. Him and Karen worked with the bank to get the show checking account set up. T-shirts and apparel were discussed. New member Tim Grube mentioned he works with Adwit in Mequon for apparel for work and they do a great job.

Any Other New Business – Tim mentioned that other events do sponsorships for entertainment expenses. This might be something to consider for the comedian for the steak fry.

Donna has updated the scholarship information. Scholarships are available on the website and are due March 1st.

Election of Board -
Tiffany Born was nominated and accepted
Jeff Born was nominated and accepted
Thersea Jeske was nominated and accepted
Wayne was nominated and accepted
Karen was nominated and accepted
Rob moved to close the nominations and Randy 2nd. The motion was approved. A written vote was conducted. Wayne, Jeff and Tiffany were elected.

Any Other Business – Discussed to send a card to Terry Kegley’s family for the funeral. It was discussed since Kegley’s are not members of the club, that the club was not going to make a monetary donation. Instead we would like to dedicate an award or class to Terry at The Meltdown. Royal made a motion to do something at the show to recognize Terry and Nichole 2nd 2nd. Motion passed It was also discussed that we need to follow up with the Don Fenner family and see what to do in memory for him.

Tiffany was the attendance winner.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:16.

Tiffany Born


EWBPP November Meeting Minutes

On November 10th, Chris Reichert called the meeting to order at 7:05. Tiffany Born read the secretary’s report. A motion was moved and seconded to accept the secretary’s report as read. Karen Nienhaus read the treasurer’s report. A motion was moved and seconded to accept the treasurer’s report as read.

Unfinished Business: Nichole has steak fry tickets available to pick up after the meeting. Tiffany will have the extra steak fry tickets and serve as the point of contact for any necessary ticket exchanges. Will contact Royal for entertainment, unless anyone else has any entertainment leads. Steaks are ordered, other food being ordered. We will need volunteers to help, number and areas will be determined once we know if there are any COVID protocols.

Nichole has meat raffle tickets that will be available after the meeting. She will have extras for the northern area, Tiffany will have extras for the southern area.

Jackpot show-The show committee met and decided to have showmanship on the evening of April 8th and the heifer and steer show on April 9th. The name of the show is The Meltdown. The banners and logo will be through Showtimes. The logo will be produced soon so we can begin to advertise. Two rings will be held during the show. Tentative prices of $50 per ring/$80 for both rings. The question was raised if a separate check book should be opened for the show, so that a member of the show committee can write and receive checks. After much discussion, the general consensus was that it would be best to have a separate show and business account, all underneath EWBPP current account. Nichole made a motion to go to BMO Harris to have separate show account with a person from the show committee created. Ron seconded the motion and the motion passed. Nichole then made a motion to transfer $3000 into the show account for start up costs. Terry seconded the motion and the motion passed. Jeff and Karen will work on creating the additional account.

Meeting Dates for 2022 were set as the following:

Jan 12th, March 9th, April 13th, Field Day, September 14th, November 9th, Jan 11th, 2023

Having a second meat raffle in 2022 was discussed. It was decided that we would review after February Raffle and Steak fry. If we had another raffle, we would try to have a fall raffle.

Guest speakers for upcoming meetings were discussed. We have a contact at Purina that we will try to have come to the January or March meeting. Also having someone from Hubbard at a future meeting was discussed.

Attendance winner Chris Reichert.

Motion was moved to adjourn the meeting and 2nd at 7:58.

Tiffany Born

EWBPP September Meeting Minutes

The Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers and Promoters meeting was called to order by Chris Reichert at 7:08 on September 8th, 2021. Tiffany Born read the secretary’s report and a motion was moved and seconded to approve the report as read. Karen Nienhaus read the treasurer’s report and a motion was moved and seconded to approve the report as read.

Unfinished Business:
Meat Raffle profit was 1356.11 with 605 tickets sold.

Sponsorships were provided via an online vote, to Northeast Livestock for $750 and World Beef Expo for $500.

The field day was held at Roger and Deanna’s farm. It was a well received, informational tour. The attendees learned how Schmidt’s raise bulls for the Midland Bull Test.

April 8th and 9th was reserved for the show at Washington County Fairgrounds. $450 a day for the heated building. $250 per day for any other buildings. Mulch costs currently vary, but already have someone who will take mulch away after show. Insurance would cost a couple hundred dollars. Looking to have showmanship Friday night and Saturday would be the show. Garret Depies is putting together a committee to put together the show.

A motion was made and seconded to hold a show on April 8th and April 9th at the Washington County Fairgrounds and have a committee from our club plan the show.

New Business:
Steak Fry will be held on February 12th, 2022 at the Village at 170. A motion was made and second to buy 500 tickets and sell tickets for $25 a piece. A motion was moved to order 30 kid’s tickets for burger meals at $10 a ticket. Tickets will be available at the November meeting. Will decide if we can have 4-H clubs help at a later meeting.

Grant Program forms will be out on Facebook and the website soon. The applications are due December 31st.

A motion was made and seconded to order 750 tickets for a meat raffle to be held at the Steak Fry for $5 a piece or 5 for $20. Tickets will be available at the November meeting.

The attendance winner for the meeting was Jeff Born.

A motion was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:09.

Tiffany Born

EWBPP May Meeting Minutes

The Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers and Promoters meeting was called to order by Chris Reichert at 7:13 on May 12th, 2021. Tiffany Born read the secretary’s report and a motion was moved and seconded to approve the report as read. Karen Nienhaus read the treasurer’s report and a motion was moved and seconded to approve the report as read.

Unfinished Business:
It was decided to hold the meat raffle at Chissy’s at 3pm the following Saturday. Anyone with tickets that have not been turned in, need to be at Chissy’s by 3pm on Saturday, May 15th.

Two scholarships were awarded this year. Alisha Klemme, daughter of Scott and Michelle Klemme, and Vanessa Schwake, daughter of Roger and Deanna Schmidt, were this year’s recipients.

The field day will be at Roger and Deanna Schmidt’s farm. A farm tour will be held and Deanna will be demonstrating the techniques of pulse electromagnetic therapy. Please bring a dish to pass.

New Business:
It was proposed that EWBPP host a jackpot show at the Washington County Fairgrounds on the second weekend in April. The location of Washington County Fairgrounds is easily accessible off the highway and could help to attract southern exhibitors. The second weekend in April would avoid conflicts with other local shows. A committee will be formed to gather estimated expenditures and provide a proposal for the next meeting.

The attendance winner for the meeting was Garret Depies.

A motion was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting.

Tiffany Born

EWBPP March Meeting Minutes

The Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers and Promoters meeting was called to order at 7:05 on March 10th, 2021 by Chris Reichert. Tiffany Born red the secretary’s report. The report was approved and 2nd. Karen Nienhaus read the treasurer’s report. The report was approved and 2nd .

Meat Raffle:
The February raffle was a success, selling all but 57 tickets. The May raffle tickets are available and the prizes have been changed to more grilling type packages. The drawing will be held on Saturday May 15th. Please bring sold tickets to the May 12 th meeting or be present on the 15th.

There was one application received for the grant program. Rob, Chris and Nichole will conduct an interview for the applicant.

Applications were received and reviewed by outside judges. The board will review and determine potential awards after the meeting.

Field Day:
Roger and Deanna Schmidt volunteered to host the field day this year. The Field Day will be held on July 10 th at 3pm at the Schmidt’s. More to come.

Show Sponsorships:
Motions were moved and 2 nd to provide the following amounts:
WI Livestock Breeders Association: $500($250 to show and $250 to camp)
Black River Falls Spring Thaw: $250
Valley Beef: $300
Southeast Elite Livestock Show: $300

Website: If you have any ads for the website, send to Donna.

Steak Fry: The date is set for February 13 th , 2022.

Attendance Winner: Nichole Paulow

Randy moved to adjourn the meeting and Deanna 2 nd it.

Next meeting is May 12 th , 2021 at Chissy’s at 7pm.

Tiffany Born

EWBPP January Meeting Minutes

The Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers and Promoters meeting was called to order at 7:00 on January 13th , 2021 by Chris Reichert. Tiffany Born read the secretary’s report. The report was approved by Elroy Nienhaus and 2nd by Jeff Born. Karen Nienhaus read the treasurer’s report. The report was approved by Nichole Paulow and 2nd by Rob Ash.

Unfinished Business:
Meat Raffle tickets are available if needed. Tickets can be mailed to Nichole Paulow with one check for all the tickets sold. Karen had talked to meat supplier about creating more grilling package options for the next meat raffle. Those options and tickets will be ready for the March meeting. Rob made a motion to hold the February 20th meat raffle at Chissy’s at 4pm. Mark 2nd the motion. The motion passed.

There was one application received for the grant program. Rob, Chris and Nichole will conduct an interview for the applicant.

The cost for the website creator to design an ad is $80. If an ad is already created, it is free to put on the website, no matter the size. We would like to put a committee together to ask businesses to put ads on the website. Nichole made a motion to charge a yearly subscription,due by the March meeting, of $50 for a 3.5in x 2in predesigned ad and $80 for a 3.5in x 4in predesigned ad and to charge an additional $80 for an ad that needs to be designed. Donna 2nd the motion. The motion passed.

New Business:
Scholarships are due on March 1st. The updates discussed last year were made to the application and the application is now in a writeable format on the website.

Chris opened up nominations to elect members to the board. Chris Reichert was nominated and accepted. Donna Jeske was nominated and accepted. Jeff Born was nominated and declined. Garret Depies was nominated and accepted. Rob Ash moved to close the nomination of the board and to cast unanimous ballet for the 3 nominees. The motion was 2nd and approved. The new board with the year the term is up and the number of terms is as follows.
2022 Rob Ash(2), Karen Nienhaus (1), Tiffany Born(1)
2023 Randy Rortvedt(1), Nichole Paulow(1), Ryan Goehring(1)
2024 Chris Reichert(2), Donna Jeske(1), Garret Depies(2)
The attendance winner was Chris Reichert.

Rob Ash made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Michelle Klemme second the motion. The motion passed.

Tiffany Born


EWBPP December Meeting Minutes
December 2, 2020

The meeting that was originally scheduled for November 11th was rescheduled to December 2nd. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 by Chris Reichert. Tiffany Born read the secretary’s report. The report was approved by Rob Ash and 2nd by Jeff Born. Karen Nienhaus read the treasurer’s report. The report was approved by Ron Jentsch and 2nd by Jeff Born.

Unfinished Business:

After much discussion about the potential risks of holding the steak fry due to COVID-19 and the additional protocols we would have to follow, Ron made a motion to cancel the 2021 Steak Fry and hold two meat raffles as a fundraiser. The motion was second by EJ. The motion was passed.

The tickets for the first meat raffle have been printed and will still be held on February 20th, 2021. Michelle Klemme made a motion to hold the 2nd meat raffle on May 15th, 2021. Karen 2nd the motion. The motion passed. It was discussed to have different prize options for the second raffle to attract more grilling packages due to the timing of the raffle being before Memorial Day weekend.

The new applications for the grant program are available on the website. The completed applications are due Dec 31st.

The new and improved website went live on Monday, November 30th. Please take a look at the new website and provide and feedback to Donna. We will discuss the price of ads at the January 2021 meeting. If the website programmer needs to create an ad, it will cost $80.

New Business:

The dates of the next year’s meetings were set to, 1/13/2021; 3/10/2021; 5/12/2021; 9/8/2021; 11/10/2021; 1/12/2022.

The attendance winner was Nichole Paulow.

Rob Ash made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Nichole Paulow second the motion. The motion to adjourn was accepted at 8:05.

Tiffany Born

September 9, 2020

The meeting was called to order on September 9th at 7:07 by Christ Reichert. Tiffany Born read the secretary’s report and it was approved by Dave Jeske and 2nd by Elroy Nienhaus. Karen Nienhaus read the treasurer’s report. It was approved by Ron Jentsch and 2nd by Garret Depies.

Unfinished Business:
It was discussed whether or not to provide a sponsorship to World Beef Export. Garret Depies made a motion to provide a $750 sponsorship to World Beef Expo. Rob Ash 2nd the motion. The motion was approved.

There was a discussion whether or not to update the website to include our own domain and to have publishing access to the website. Currently the website is under another domain and we have to send all information to the publisher. The cost would be $1450 for a new design, domain registration, and to have a mobile device platform. The new design would allow for advertisements to be shown, which could help pay for the cost of the website. There would be a $450 renewal fee, as there currently is for the website we use. Rob Ash made a motion to proceed with the new website and Dave Jeske 2nd. The field day will be tabled until next year due to COVID.

New Business:
We will continue to proceed with planning the Steak Fry for February 20th, 2021. Tickets will again be $25 and we will hold a meat raffle. We can look into options like curbside pick up if COVID is still an issue in February. We are also looking to have some new knives added to the collection. The grant program will again be held next year. The applications will be updated with current years information and be available on the website. There were numerous Thank You cards received from recipients of awards that we have sponsored at different shows throughout the year. The attendenace winner was Elroy.

Rob Ash made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Nichole Paulow 2nd it. The next meeting will be held on November 11th at 7pm at Chissy’s Pub and Grill.

Tiffany Born

March 11, 2020

The March 11th meeting was called to order by Chris Reichert at 7:06. Tiffany Born read the secretary’s report. It was approved by Jeff Born and 2nd by Theresa Jeske. Karen Nienhaus read the Treasurer’s report. It was approved by Rob Ash and 2nd by Jeff Born.

Unfinished Business:
The steak fry was discussed and recapped. There are 24 unsold steaks. The steaks are $8 a piece and will be brought to the next meeting for sale. A discussion around a way to improve ticket sales and make it easier for a ticket count was discussed. The idea of having a list of names at a ticket table at the event was discussed. Final decisions to come closer to next year’s event. Rob Ash made a motion to hold the 2021 Steak fry on February 20th, 2021 and Randy Rortvedt 2nd it.

There were three scholarship applications received. The applications were sent out to judges to review. Once completed the board will review and vote. Nichole Paulow made a motion to continue the transcript receipt date to February 1st.

New Business:
We would like to try to hold the field day in July. If there is someone that would like to volunteer, please let a board member know.

Website: We will have more details on the cost of creating a new website as well as renewal costs. We will vote at the April meeting to determine what route to go with the website, or if we just want to utilize Facebook and social media sites.

Mike Butler from Diamond Vu Agriculture Education Center would like to come talk to the club about opening the education center and request a donation. The center would be primarily dairy based but want to promote the Ag industry as a whole. Tiffany will work with Mike to have him at April meeting.

Royal Boehlke made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Randy Rortvedt 2nd it. Attendance Raffle winner was Tiffany Born. The next meeting is scheduled for April 8th, 2020 at 7pm at Chissy’s Pub and Grill.

Tiffany Born

January 8, 2020

The January 8th meeting was called to order at 7pm by Jeff Born. The secretary’s report was read by Tiffany and a motion to accept the secretary’s report as read was made by Randy and 2nd by Rob. Karen read the treasurer’s report. A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as read by Chris and 2nd by Randy.

Unfinished Business:
The steak fry will be held on February 15th, 2020 at the Village at 170. If you need tickets, contact Tiffany Born. If you have tickets and will not be selling all of them, please contact Tiffany so an estimated ticket count can be had prior to the 15th. The entertainment this year will be comedian John Bush. Donna has all the food on order. She had emailed a sign up sheet for help. Please sign up to help. We are still looking for someone to pick up the mushrooms. If you have silent auction items, please contact Nichole so she can prepare a bidding sheet.

A meat raffle will be held during the steak fry. Tiffany has tickets if anyone is interested in selling tickets prior to the event. Tickets are $5 a piece, or 5 for $20.

We received 3 applications for the grant program. Interviews will be set up and the winners will be announced at the Steak Fry.

New Business:
Scholarships are due on March 1st. Please encourage all eligible members to apply.

Election of Board:
Jeff Born, Royal Boehlke, and Ryan Goehring had completed their term. Jef f and Royal had completed 2 terms, so they were not eligible for reelection . Randy Rortvedt, Ryan Goehring and Nichole Paulow were nominated for election. A motion was moved to close nominations by Elroy and EJ 2nd it. Rob moved to pass the vote by unanimous ballot and Chris 2nd it, thereby electing Randy, Ryan and Nichole to the board.

Any other Business:
It was discussed to extend the transcript deadline date for the scholarship forms to allow the awarded scholarships to still provide their transcripts in order to receive the awarded money. EJ moved to extended the scholarship deadline to Feb 1st and Randy 2nd it. The motion was approved.

Attendance prize winner: Ron Jentsch
Next meeting is on March 11th at Chissy’s.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by EJ and 2nd by Randy.
An officer meeting was held following the club meeting to elect officers. The 2020 officers are as follows.
President: Chris Reichert
Vice President: Garret Depies
Secretary: Tiffany Born
Treasurer: Karen Nienhaus


November 13, 2019

The November 13th meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:08 by Jeff Born. The secretary’s report from the September meeting was reviewed. It was approved by Chris and 2nd by Randy. The treasurer’s report was read. A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Theresa and 2nd by Elroy.

Unfinished Business:
Steak fry is to be held on February 15th, 2020. Tickets were provided at the meeting. If additional tickets are needed or you have extra tickets, contact Tiffany. A motion was moved by EJ to cap the entertainment budget to $2000 and was second by Randy. Royal will be contacted to see if he can book a comedian again. Food is on order or set to be ordered. If you have any silent auction items, let Nichole know ahead of the Steak Fry. Volunteers are needed to help the night of the steak fry. Please help to sell as many tickets as possible to make the event a success.

Meat Raffle tickets were available at the meeting. The winners will be drawn at the Steak Fry. If you would like to sell tickets, please contact Tiffany to get tickets. Tickets prices were changed to 5 for $20 or $5 a piece at the Sept meeting.

A proposed grant program was provided to the members to read through and discuss. Discussion points included, but not limited to removing the words (but not shows) from requirement 1a; wording for requirement 2 will change to include up to one grant, of a value not to exceed $300, will be awarded per age division; The ages in requirement 3 will be changed to grade and we will only allow through grade 12 as to not overlap with scholarships; requirement 4 will be changed to apply to only EWBPP members are eligible; requirement 6 will include that the applications can be emailed to Nichole; requirement 7 will read January not July; on the application 4-H club/FFA Chapter and Leader information will be removed. Also on the application/requirements, the interview date will be listed. EJ made a motion to approve the grant program with the changes from the discussion and Karen 2nd the motion. Nichole will have changes completed by Monday November 18th. The revised application will be sent to the members who attended the November meeting. The members will review and advise if there are any corrections to the changes by Wednesday November 20th. All changes will be completed by Friday, November 22nd and then the grant application will be available to members to complete for 2020. If you know anyone that has children in grades 3-12 that have active beef projects, please invite them to join the club and have their children complete an application.

New Business:
A memorial gift for Don Fenner’s family was discussed. Jeff will reach out to Marcia to see if they would like a bench or if they will be receiving one from a different group.

Attendance prize winner: Nichole
Next meeting is January 8th at Chissy’s.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Randy and 2nd by EJ.

September 11, 2019

The September 11th meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:15 by Jeff Born. The secretary’s report from the April meeting was reviewed. It was approved by Rob and 2nd by Nichole. The treasurer’s report was read. A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by EJ and 2nd by Randy.

Unfinished Business:
Field Day was hosted by Garret Depies. Steve from Valley Vet spoke on IVF and discussed how their mobile IVF operation works. There was an ok turnout but we would like to see more people attend. Try to plan earlier next year and have earlier in the year to avoid conflicts with fairs.

Website has renewed for the next year. Tiffany will look into Facebook and try to utilize the Facebook page and group to include all information the website holds. If Facebook is successful, it was discussed to just use Facebook and not have a website. We will revisit in March and vote at the April meeting before the website renewal in August.

Scholarships were discussed to send an email to members to advise that the applications are available. The applications will be available on both the website and Facebook this year. No other changes to the scholarship will be present in the next year.

A Grant program was discussed to be implemented in the near future. The idea of the program is to provide youth the opportunity to apply for a grant from the club to be used for their beef project. Nichole will gather details from other clubs grant programs and provide a proposed program for the club to discuss at the November meeting.

A calf purchasing incentive program was discussed from prior meeting discussion. It was decided to table until after grant program is established and funds are determined.

New Business:
Steak Fry will be February 15th, 2020. Garret made a motion to purchase 500 tickets with ticket price being $25 a piece and EJ second the motion. Karen and Nichole will get the tickets and have available at the November meeting.

Meat raffle was discussed to have again during the steak fry. Chris made a motion to change the ticket price to $5/ticket or 5 tickets for $20 and Randy second. EJ made a motion to limit the meat purchase to a max of $750 and Randy second the motion. Karen and Nichole will purchase the raffle ticket s and they will be available at the November meeting.

Attendance prize winner: Garret Depies

Next meeting is November 13th at Chissy’s.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Randy and 2nd by Chris.

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

April 10, 2019

The April 10th meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:08 by Jeff Born.

The secretary’s report from the March meeting was reviewed. It was approved by Theresa Jeske and 2nd by Nichole. The treasurer’s report was read. A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Garrett and 2nd by Randy.

Unfinished Business:
Field Day – We still need to have someone volunteer to host the field day. If you are willing please contact one of the board members.

Website – Tiffany provided prices that others used for websites, which were cheaper than the current website. It was discussed that we should shop around before a decision was made. Renewal of the current website is up in August.

Scholarships – There were 4 scholarship recipients. Discussion was had to review the wording and requirements of the scholarships. Also, possibly changing the scoring system used. Bring ideas to the September meeting.

New Business:
Sponsorships – EJ made a motion to approve the below and Nichole 2nd it.
World Beef Expo: $500
Northeast Youth Livestock: $500
Valley Beef: $500
UW River Falls Block and Bridle: $200
Wisconsin Livestock Breeders Association: $250
UW Platteville Block and Bridle: $200
Black River Falls Spring Thaw: $350

Any Other Business:
Grants – Different options were discussed. One type of program for youth members still showing to apply for a grant to use towards their project. A different program for incentive to purchase a calf from a club member to provide the youth with a certain dollar amount per calf. Or a combination of programs. Bring ideas to the next meeting.

Next meeting is Sept 11th at Chissy’s.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Chris and 2nd by Randy.

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

March 13, 2019

The March 13th meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:08 by Jeff Born.

The secretary’s report from the January meeting was reviewed. It was approved by Nichole and 2nd by Randy. The treasurer’s report was read. A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Royal and 2nd by Randy.

Unfinished Business:
Steak Fry ticket sales were down compared to 2018. Everything ran fairly smoothly. Discussed buying our own can opener to better open cans of potatoes. There were complaints about dull knives. The kids clearing tables need to be reminded to ask if people are done eating before they grab plates. It is difficult to book a good comedian for $1500.

Meat Raffle went well with a $972.50 profit. There were suggestions to sell tickets for 1 for $5 and 5 tickets for $20.

There were four scholarship applications received. The applications were judged by an outside source and ready for the board to review and select recipients after the meeting.

New Business:
Three new family memberships were received since the January meeting. We welcome Scott and Michelle Klemme and family, Barry and Becca Boehlke and family, and Terry and Liz Kohl and family.

We need a volunteer to host the field day this summer. If you are interested, please contact a board member.

Guest speakers for upcoming meetings were discussed. It was also discussed to have a schedule for the year. We can then advertise the guest speaker and draw more attendance to the meetings.

Attendance prize winner: Rob Ash

Next meeting is April 10th at Chissy’s.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Jacob Kohl and 2nd Todd.

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

January 9, 2019

The January 9th meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:10 pm by Jeff Born.

The guest speaker – Sarah Breuer & Lance Miller from Purina Feeds. Lance spoke about beef nutrition & body condition scoring.

Secretary’s Report from November was read and approved by EJ & 2nd by Randy. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by EJ and second by Elroy.

Unfinished business~
Steak Fry for 2019 will be at The Village @170 on February 16th. Tickets are $25.00. We have 500 tickets for event. Send pictures to update the slideshow to Wayne. Entertainment is not handled yet by Royal. We need members to help with the event, setup, serving food, cleanup. Contact Donna Jeske for details. Silent auction items contact Nichole. Tiffany has tickets if needed. Donna will add information to website and an email will be sent out with a list of where help is needed. The event has been added to Facebook.

2019 Meat Raffle tickets are for sale and drawing will be on February 16th- meat prizes will be at Steak Fry for winners. Tiffany has tickets available if you are looking for any.

Any other business –Updating the website was discussed. Members are concerned on price & if we need the updates done. Donna will do some more checking other websites for EWBPP. Tiffany will talk to her sister in law about possible options.

New Business- Scholarship forms have been update for 2019. A Grant program for our members would be another way to help if we do not receive any scholarship applications and could be for younger youth.

Guest Speakers – any ideas for speakers for future meetings contact Jeff Born.

Elections ~Rob Ash, Tiffany Born & Karen Nienhaus have been added to the Board until 2022.

Next meeting is Wednesday -March 13th at Chissy’s
Motion to adjourn at 8:30pm

The board is as follows:
President Jeff Born
Vice President Garrett Depies
Treasure Karen Nienhaus
Secretary Tiffany Born

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske


November 13, 2018

The November 13th 2018 meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called at 7:13pm by Nichole Paulow.

The Secretary’s report was reviewed, a motion to accept by Karen and second by Ron. Treasurer report was reviewed, a motion to accept by Dan and second by Randy.

Unfinished business

Steak Fry for 2019 ~ will be at The Village @170 in Sheboygan Falls on February 16th. Tickets are $25.00. We will have 500 tickets for event, Nichole had the tickets printed and Tiffany will send out to members.

Meat Raffle Drawing – We will have tickets for another raffle drawing at Steak Fry. Nichole & Karen will handle the meat for the raffle.

Nichole, Karen & Donna met with Mel at the hall and went over the set up for the event. We will have tables set up for 500. Food items were ordered. Doors will open at 4:30pm.

Nichole had posters made for the Steak Fry, need pictures for slide show & items for silent auction. Also, need door prize items, example – hats, t-shirts, gift cards. We will be making changes to the menu. Members need to bring 2 pans of desserts. Need members to help at event. Send photos to Donna & Wayne to update the slide show & website.

Reviewed the cost of updating the website, cost was $1425.Was tabled to discuss at next meeting.

New Business

Meeting dates for 2019 will be changed to Wednesday’s due to low attendance on Tuesday’s and to include a door prize drawing for members attending meeting & events. Motion to accept by Karen and second by Cody. Guest speaker for January is Sarah Breuer from Purina.

Elections of Officers in January:

Next meeting is January 9th 2019 at Chissy’s Motion to adjourn at 8:00pm

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

September 11, 2018

The September 2018 meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:05pm by Jeff Born.

The Secretary’s Report was reviewed, a motion to accept by EJ and second by Rob. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Rob and second by Tiffany.

Unfinished Business

  • Field Day – About 50 people attended the event and we rode thru the pasture and looked at Royal’s cattle.
  • Steak Fry – Nichole will handle getting the tickets printed. Will make some changes to the menu for 2018. We will have another Meat Raffle at this event. Tiffany will post an event on Face Book –Feb 16th 2019
  • Discussed about setting up more tables & if they have a platform for us to use. Move serving line.

New Business

  • Ideas for Guest Speakers for upcoming meetings.
  • Have our meeting day switched to a different day of the week to get more members to attend. Will check with Chissy’s.
  • We will have a sign in sheet for all events. 9 members attended September’s Meeting.

Open Forum

Next meeting is November 13th at 7:00pm at Chissy’s. Motion to adjourn made by EJ, second by Elroy.

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

April 17, 2018

The April 2018 meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:07pm by Jeff Born.

The Secretary’s Report was reviewed, a motion to accept as read by Chris and second by Randy. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Chris and second by Elroy.

New Member Daniel & Lyndsay Fenner

Unfinished Business

  • Guest speaker- Kevin Arand from BioZyme spoke about VitaFerm and how to maximize nutriet intake
  • Royal Boehlke win the door prize of $250 of mineral.
  • Field day –still need member to host event
  • Scholarship –none sent in this year.
  • New Bylaws will be updated with signatures.

New Business

  • Donations for this year will total $2700.
  • World Beef Expo -$500.
  • Northeast Youth -$500
  • Valley Beef - $500
  • Wis Livestock Breeders - $250
  • Black River $350
  • Pioneer Showdown -$300
  • River Falls show-$300- if they request donation

Open Forum

  • Ideas for guest speakers
  • Next meeting is September 11th at 7:00pm at Chissy’s. Motion to adjourn made by EJ, second by Tiffany.

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

March 13, 2018

The March 2018 meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at7:10 pm by Garrett. The Secretary’s Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Randy and second by EJ. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Ron and second by Marcia.

New Member ~ Cody Liebe from Glenbeulah.
No Guest Speaker at March’s meeting.

Steak Fry –Recap:

  • Good Location & will Book for 2019.
  • Served 462 adults & 8 kids meals.
  • Silent auction table made $1483
  • Needed more desserts.
  • The menu changes went over great. Different potatoes, vegs & French bread.
  • We need more members to help at event
  • The 4H kids & adults did a great job.

Meat Raffle – the meat was purchased at Roehrborns and profit was about $1300.

New Business

  • Scholarship – we have 0 applications for this year.
  • Farm Field Day ~ still need a host for the event.
  • Ideas for Guest Speakers for upcoming meetings.

Open Forum

  • April meeting has been changed to April 17th

Next meeting is April 17th at 7:00pm at Chissy’s.
Motion to adjourn made by EJ, second by Randy

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

January 9, 2018

The January 9th meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:10 pm by EJ Lillesand.

There was no Secretary’s Report from November to be read. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Ron and second by Wayne.

Unfinished business~

  • Steak Fry for 2018 ~ will be at The Village @170 on February 17th. Tickets are $25.00. We have 550 tickets for event. Send pictures to update the slideshow to Wayne. Entertainment is Chris Barnes. We need members to help with the event, setup, serving food, cleanup. Contact Donna Jeske for details. Silent auction items contact Nichole. EJ has tickets if needed. Donna will add information to website. The event has been added to Facebook.
  • 2018 Meat Raffle tickets are for sale and drawing will be on February 17th- meat prizes will be at Steak Fry for winners.

Any other business

  • Field day ~ Need location for July
  • Guest Speakers – any ideas for speakers for future meetings contact Jeff Born.
  • Elections ~ Ron Jentsch, Chris Reichert & Garret Depies have been added to the Board until 2021.
  • Next meeting is March 13th at Chissy’s

Motion to adjourn at 8pm

The board is as follows:
President Jeff Born
Vice President Garrett Depies
Treasure Nichole Paulow
Secretary Donna Jeske

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske


September 12, 2017

The September 2017 meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:10pm by EJ Lillesand.

Shawn Stevens was the guest speaker and spoke on the changes in the FDA inspections and issues with the law changes.

The Secretary’s Report was reviewed, a motion to accept as read by Karen and second by Elroy. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Rob and second by Wayne.

Unfinished Business

  • Field Day – About 35 people attended the event and we walked thru the pasture and looked at Chris’s cattle. Topic was about pasture grasses.
  • Steak Fry – Wayne will handle getting the tickets printed. Will make some changes to the menu for 2018. We will have another Meat Raffle at this event. Will have poster’s printed for the event & hand out at next meeting. Tiffany will post an event on Face Book
  • Meat Raffle for the September Meeting – we did not have many tickets sold. 1st Prize winner was Lisa Lillesand, 5th Prize Theresa Jeske & 10th Andy Schelk.

New Business

  • Ideas for Guest Speakers for upcoming meetings. Wayne spoke about The Brand – livestock news & ads. EJ will contact them regarding attending November’s meeting
  • We will give 2 Steak Fry Tickets to Shawn Stevens.
  • We will have a sign in sheet for all events. 13 members attended September’s Meeting.

Open Forum

Next meeting is November 14th at 7:00pm at Chissy’s. Motion to adjourn made by Wayne, second by Royal.

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

April 11, 2017

The April 2017 meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:20pm by EJ Lillesand.

The Secretary’s Report was reviewed, a motion to accept as read by Randy and second by Elroy. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Wayne and second by Garrett.

Unfinished Business

  • No Guest speaker.
  • Meat Raffle tickets were handed out at the meeting. Karen will handle getting the meat for September meeting.
  • Field day will be July 30th – time will be decided and post cards will be sent out. Donna will make food items that might be used at Steak Fry.
  • Scholarship letters were sent out and will be posted in the Ag-View in the April 27th edition.
  • New Bylaws will be updated with signatures.

New Business

  • Steak Fry tickets will be printed and handed out at September meeting. Price will stay at $25.00 per ticket. We will have posters made and will post information on facebook.
  • Karen asked if we were going to have new flyers made since the last one is out of date? Do we need to have them?
  • Guest speaker for meetings, need to find a way to get member to come to meetings. Add information to face book or send out post cards.

Open Forum

  • Ideas for guest speakers.
  • Next meeting is September 12thh at 7:00pm at Chissy’s. Motion to adjourn made by Jeff, second by Chris.

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

March 14, 2017

The March 2017 meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at7:20 pm by EJ Lillesand. The Secretary’s Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Elroy and second by Randy. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Wayne and second by Ron.

New Member ~ Chris Reichert from Reichert Land & Cattle lives in Sheboygan Falls.
No Guest Speaker at March’s meeting.

Steak Fry –Recap:

  1. Good Location & will Book for 2/17/18.
  2. Served 393
  3. Silent auction table
  4. Look at changing menu
  5. We need more members to help at event
  6. The 4H kids & adults did a great job.

Meat Raffle – the meat was purchased at Roehrborns and profit was $400. We will do another meat raffle with drawing in September.

New Business

  • Scholarship – we have 3 applications for this year, Donna Jeske had them read & scored for the Board to review.
  • Farm Field Day ~ Chris Reichert will host the event.
  • Show donations was decided to handle as follows:
    • Valley Beef- $500
    • Northeast Youth -$500
    • World Beef Expo- $500
    • Wis Livestock Breeders -$250
    • Black River Show -$350
    • River Falls Block & Bridle - $300
    • Pioneer Showdown - $300
  • Ideas for Guest Speakers for upcoming meetings.
  • Steve Denzer from Valley Beef is a voting member.

Open Forum

  • ByLaws have been updated and reviewed. Motion to approved by Karen, second by Royal.
  • Will we donate money to shows that we do not get a Thank you or something back in return?

Next meeting is April 11th at 7:00pm at Chissy’s.
Motion to adjourn made by Royal, second by Randy

Board members met and reviewed the Scholarships.

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

January 17, 2017

The January 17th meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:05 pm by EJ Lillesand.

The Secretary’s Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Karen and second by Jeff Born. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Randy and second by Garrett.

Unfinished business~
Steak Fry for 2017 ~ will be at The Village @170 on February 18th. Tickets are $25.00. We have 500 tickets for event. Send pictures to update the slideshow to Wayne. Entertainment is Steve Russell. We need members to help with the event, setup, serving food, cleanup. Contact Donna Jeske for details. Silent auction items contact Nichole. EJ has tickets if needed. Donna will add information to website. Nichole will send out postcards with Steak Out information.

2017 Meat Raffle tickets are for sale and drawing will be on February 18th- meat prizes will be at Steak Fry for winners.

The BYLaws need to be updated with where the funds will go if the group closes. It was decided to list Wisconsin Cattleman & Wisconsin Livestock Breeders.

Field day ~ Need location for July

Guest Speakers – any ideas for speakers for future meetings contact EJ.

Elections ~ Jeff Born, Royal Boehlke & Ryan Goehring have been added to the Board until 2020.

Next meeting is March 14th at Chissy’s
Motion to adjourn at 7:50pm

The board is as follows:
President EJ Lillesand
Vice President
Treasure Nichole Paulow
Secretary Donna Jeske

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske


September 13, 2016

The September 15th 2015 meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:13 pm by EJ Lillesand.

The Secretary’s Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Wayne and second by Jeff. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Ron and second by Elroy.

Guest Speaker~ None for today. The November meeting is booked with Elenco. Any ideas for future meetings contact EJ.

Unfinished business~
The field day was hosted by Jeff Born, we toured his new barn setup and looked at his cattle.
Steak Fry for 2017 ~ will be at The Village @170 in Sheboygan Falls on February 18th. Tickets are $25.00. We will have 500 tickets for event at November’s meeting.
Meat Raffle Drawing – we sold 251 tickets and the winners were drawn. Marcia will contact Eden Meats for the meat for the winners.

Meetings dates for 2017 was decided on and will be posted on website.

Received thank you cards from Lillesand family and many kids from the shows the summer.

New Business~ The Bylaws need to be reviewed & updated. Handed out copies and will be reviewed at next meeting.

Next meeting is November 8th at Chissy’s
Motion to adjourn at 8:15pm

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

April 12th, 2016

The April 2016 meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:20pm by EJ Lillesand.

The Secretary’s Report was reviewed, a motion to accept as read by Randy and second by Garrett. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Jeff Born and second by Linda Boehlke.

Unfinished Business

  • Scholarship – we have 3 applications, Donna Jeske & Jeff Born had the applications read & scored.
  • Steak Fry – Nichole handed out Thank You letters for the Raffle donations. Talked about the 2017 location for steak fry. Memories 18 % gratuity on the contract needs to be changed if possible, We will meet with them to discuss issues.
  • Donna Jeske sent information to Ozaukee County Dairy Promotion regarding the steak fry event & received $100.
  • Will check on getting different steaks for 2017. Garrett will contact Eden Meats.
  • We will get a raffle ticket license and have 400 tickets printed to hand out at Field Day in July. Motion to approve by Karen and second by Randy. We will contact Newton, Eden & St Cloud regarding a meat bundle price for raffle. The board will decide on the location for tickets. Motion to approve by Karen and second by Marcia.

New Business

Field day is hosted by Jeff Born on July 31th. 3 to 6pm.

  • Ideas for Guest Speakers for upcoming meetings. Randy stated with the changes coming up in 2017 with laws regarding Feed/food. EJ stated if you have questions, contact your vet.
  • Liz Gartman sent a letter asking for a donation for the Sheboygan County Quiz bowl Team to purchase a Buzzer kit. Donna contacted Liz regarding helping at 2017 steak fry, Quiz bowl group is willing to help, Motion to approve $150. by Karen and second by Jeff.

Open Forum

  • Open discussion on the changes for 2017 regarding purchasing your own Farm medications, will need to go thru a vet for everything.

Next meeting is September 13thh at 7:00pm at Chissy’s. Motion to adjourn made by Royal, second by Jeff Born.

The board reviewed the scholarship applications – Sarah Lillesand, Sharla Boehlke & Aaron Rathke will receive a scholarship. Sharla will receive a 5 year membership.

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

March 8, 2016

The March 2016 meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at7:10pm by Wayne Goehring.

Lisa Green from Memories was present at meeting. Lisa stated that the event was great and they would save a date for next year. Comments were:

  • Use real plates instead of paper, will need more help
  • Server use gloves
  • Silent auction table move in Bar area
  • 50/50 tickets – have kids sale tickets
  • Kids handled the drink glass & bottle too fast.
  • Leftover food was donated food bank
  • Entertainment was good, Memories has a few contacts we could look at

Wayne stated the sound system needed to be looked at. Couldn’t hear in the back. The slide show should be moved to the dining room. They will look at prices for some of our food items. We need to have more members help at the event. Asked Lisa about the 18 % gratuity, she stated that it included in all their contracts. We will discuss location at next meeting.

The Secretary’s Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Ron Jentsch and second by Dave Jeske. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Rob Ash and second by Todd.

Unfinished Business

  • Scholarship – we have 3 applications for this year, Donna Jeske & Jeff Born will work on getting them read & scored for the April meeting.
  • Steak Fry – Served 422 adults & 15 Child dinners. Donna stated that the 4H kids did a good job. But we had an issue with them taking drinks off the table before they were empty, we had to buy a few. Donna stated they were told to leave the glass & bottles on table and an Adult would handle. Not sure what happened with this issue. We had many great comments on the event.
  • Need to check into Raffle ticket license – to raise more money, look into a Meat Raffle.

New Business

  • Field day is hosted by Jeff Born will be July 30th or 31th
  • Show donations was decided to handle as follows:
    • Pioneer Show - $0
    • Valley Beef- $500
    • Northeast Youth -$750
    • World Beef Expo- $500
    • Wis Livestock Breeders -$250
    • Black River Show -$350
    • Hereford Nationals(Madison 2016) $500
  • Ideas for Guest Speakers for upcoming meetings. Randy stated with the changes coming up in 2017 with laws regarding Feed/food, would be a good topic foe meeting.
  • Liz Gartman sent a letter asking for a donation for the Sheboygan County Quiz bowl Team to purchase a Buzzer kit. They were asking for $500. The better kit was about $780 included timer, lights and case to store items. Donna will contact Liz for more information. Was tabled to next meeting.

Open Forum

  • Open discussion on the changes for 2017 regarding purchasing your own Farm medications, will need to go thru a vet for everything.

Next meeting is April 12th at 7:00pm at Chissy’s
Motion to adjourn made by Rob Ash, second by Royal

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

January 12, 2016

The January 12th meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:15 pm by EJ Lillesand.
The Secretary’s Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Jeff Born and second by Randy. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Rob and second by Garrett.

Unfinished business~
Scholarship ~ Nancy Schleicher has stepped down as contact for the Scholarships. Donna Jeske and Jeff Born will handle the applications for 2016.

Steak Fry for 2016 ~ will be at Memories on February 13th. Tickets are $25.00. Will only have 450 tickets for event. Send pictures to update the slideshow to Wayne. Entertainment is Scott Novotny. We need members to help with the event, setup, serving food, cleanup. Contact Donna Jeske for details. Silent auction items contact Nichole. EJ has tickets if needed.

Field day ~ Jeff Born will host event.

Guest Speakers – any ideas for speakers for future meetings contact EJ.

Elections ~ Donna, Nichole & Rob have been added to the Board until 2018.

Next meeting is March 8th at Chissy’s
Motion to adjourn at 7:49pm

The board is as follows:
President EJ Lillesand
Vice President Wayne Goehring
Treasure Nichole Paulow
Secretary Donna Jeske

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske


November 10, 2015

The November 10th 2015 meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:10 pm by Wayne Goehring
The Secretary’s Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Elroy and second by Ron Jentsch. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Randy and second by Elroy.

Unfinished business~
Scholarship ~ The updated scholarship and voting information form was reviewed by the members at the meeting. It was decided to make the changes and update the website.

Steak Fry for 2016 ~ Tickets for the event were handed out at the meeting, tickets are $25.00. Will only have 450 tickets for event. Please send photos to Wayne for the slideshow. Wayne will contact Royal regarding the entertainment . Contact Donna if you would like to help with event.

New Business~

Guest speakers ~if you have any ideas, please contact Wayne or EJ. Wayne will check with EJ & Royal regarding someone for next meeting.

Received Thank you cards from Valley Beef show winners, will post some of them on the web site and include them on the slideshow.

We purchased a plant and a gift card for the Lillesand Family. Randy will contact the family regarding the Memorial bench in honor of Justin Lillesand.

Elections of Officers in January ~ Up for election , Donna Jeske, Nichole Paulow, Jolene Kohlway.
2016- Wayne Goehring, Jeff Born, Royal Boehlke
2017- EJ Lillesand, Randy Rortvedt, Ron Jentsch

Next meeting is January 12th at Chissy’s
Motion to adjourn at 7:50pm

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

September 15, 2015

The September 15th 2015 meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:15 pm by EJ Lillesand.
The Secretary’s Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Jeff Born and second by Ron Jentsch. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Karen and second by Elroy.

Unfinished business~
Scholarship ~ We will update the form to include more details on member information. Will bring to Novembers Meeting.

Steak Fry for 2016 ~ will be at Memories on February 13th. Tickets are $25.00. Will only have 450 tickets for event. Need to update the slideshow with Wayne.

Field day ~ Thank you Mulder family for hosting the event.

Guest Speakers – any ideas for speakers for future meetings contact EJ.

Received thank you cards from Kris Wimmler family, Sarah Lillesand, Evan & Aaron Rathke.

Next meeting is November 10th at Chissy’s
Motion to adjourn at 7:49pm

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

April 14, 2015

The April14th 2015 meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:18 pm by EJ Lillesand.
The Secretary’s Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Randy Rortvedt and second by Mike Mulder. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Jeff Born and second by Ron Jentsch.

Guest Speaker was Mike Gehl from Glacierland ~ Supporting Pasture Management, Grazing plans & on-farm technical assistance.

Unfinished business~
Scholarship ~ We had 3 applications reviewed and scored for 2015. We were sent the scores for the applications but we don’t have the applications to look over at the meeting

Steak Fry for 2016 ~ will book the Belguim Community Center for the Steak Fry. Donna will contact them before September’s meeting to make sure they are still open. Deposit of $300. 00 will be sent to hold the date.

New Business~

Field day ~ Jolene asked if we could tour a business instead of a field day? We have until May 12th for someone to setup the picnic/field day. Please contact EJ or Donna. We will send out post cards for the event reminders.

Guest Speakers – any ideas for speakers for future meetings contact EJ.

Kris Wimmler passed away ~ memorial bench will be donated to the family. EJ will handle the details. Donna will send a card to the family.

Next meeting is September 15th at Chissy’s
Motion to adjourn made by Karen and second by David Schleicher at 8:25pm

The board members approved the 3 scholarships: Sarah Lillesand, Evan Rathke & Aaron Rathke.

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

March 2015

The March 2015 meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at7:09pm by EJ Lillesand.
The Secretary’s Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Royal and second by Jeff Born. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Jeff Born and second by Karen.

Unfinished Business

  • Scholarship – we have 3 applications for this year, Nancy is working on getting them read & scored for the April meeting.
  • Steak Fry – Served 452 adults & 9 Child dinners. Need to look at the plates we have used for food. Nancy stated that the 4H kids did a good job. We have a contract for 2016 with Belgium Community Center, was decided to table issue until April’s meeting.

New Business

  • Field day or family picnic for this summer –was tabled until Aprils meeting
  • Show donations was decided to handle as follows:
    • Pioneer Show -$350
    • Valley Beef- $750
    • Northeast Youth -$750
    • World Beef Expo- $500
    • Wis Livestock Breeders -$500
    • Black River Show (new) -$350
  • Ideas for Guest Speakers for upcoming meetings. Mike Mulder & Royal will check on someone for future meetings.

Open Forum

  • Topic of Membership dues & Lifetime membership was asked, what the rule was for family members. The bylaws were reviewed. How can we get more members to attend meetings? Need to contact members when we have a guest speaker.

Next meeting is April 14th at 7:00pm at Chissy’s
Motion to adjourn made by Randy, second by Todd

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

January 13, 2015

The January 13th meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:10 pm by EJ Lillesand.
The Secretary’s Report - a motion to accept as written by Marcia Fenner and second by Dave Jeske. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Dave Jeske and second by Karen Nienhaus.

Guest Speakers - Molly Meyers from Glacierland would like to come again. Any ideas for guest speakers for meetings contact EJ.

Unfinished business~

  • Scholarship – was decided to make no changes to the form.
  • Steak Fry – food has been ordered. Entertainment is taken care of. If, you need tickets, contact EJ Lillesand. Send pictures to Wayne Goehring for the slideshow. The sound system will be used again. Door prizes and silent auctions are needed – contact Nichole Paulow. All members need to bring 2 desserts. Helpers are needed for the event – contact Donna Jeske for details.

Elections ~ Ej Lillesand, Randy Rortvedt & Ron Jentsch were added to the Board. The term expires in 2017.

Guest Speaker was Tim Scannell from Country Mix [email protected]

Any other Business – Field day in July -need a location for event. Eva stated a family picnic at a park instead of a field day would be a good idea. Need someone to plan the event.

Flyers – if anyone has any left, please bring them to the Steak Fry.

Next meeting is March 10, 2015 at 7:00pm at Chissy’s.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Jeff Born and second by David Schleicher.

Board meeting was held regarding the new members. The positions will remain the same as last year.

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske


November 11,2014

The November meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:10 pm by EJ Lillesand.

The Secretary’s Report – no formal meeting in Sept. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Wayne Goehring and second by Jeff Born.

Guest speaker was Terry Quam. Terry spoke on what issues will be worked on in 2015. Road Permits, well water & wolf hunts.

Unfinished business~
~ Scholarship needs to be updated before 2015. Karen stated she would help Nancy. Donna will contact Nancy regarding the issue.
~ Steak Fry tickets were handled out to members at the meeting. EJ will be handling the tickets.The cot for 2015 is $24.00. Donna will contact Belguim Community Center regarding the details for the event. ~Royal has contacted Roger Radley for the event. Send pictures to Wayne to be added to the slideshow.
~ Website will be updated, if you have any pictures or information to add, send it to Donna Jeske

New Business ~
We will email members a meeting reminder for January’s meeting.

Elections will be at January’s meeting.
Terms expiring in 2014~ Garret Depies,E.J Lillesand & Randy Rortvedt
Terms expiring in 2015 ~ Donna Jeske, Nichole Paulow & Jolene Kohlwey
Terms expiring in 2016 ~ Wayne Goehring, Jeff Born & Royal Boehlke

We will have a Guest Speaker.

Next meeting is January 13,2015 at 7:00pm at Chissy’s

Motion to adjourn made by Royal, second by Randy.

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

September 2014

No formal meeting. Only 5 members were present.

April 8, 2014

The April 8th 2014 meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:19 pm by Nichole Paulow.
The Secretary’s Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Dave Schleicher and second by Randy. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Jeff Born and second by Randy.

Guest Speaker was Molly Meyers from Glacierland ~ Supporting Managed Grazing in Northeast Wisconsin. Website: www.glacierlandrcd.org, or email [email protected]. Glacierland offers the following free services: Grazing plans & on-farm technical assistance.

Unfinished business ~
Scholarship ~ Nancy had five applications reviewed and scored for 2014. Would like to updated the application for 2015.

Field day ~
Jay Wimmler will be hosting the event on June 22nd from 2:00pm to 5:00pm. We need to help with getting speakers for the event. Will send out post cards reminders.

New Business ~
Nichole is checking on the Wisconsin Cattleman’s Association membership.

The following donations for this year:

  • Valley Beef - $750
  • UW River Falls - $350
  • Northeast Youth - $750
  • World Beef Expo - $500

Next meeting is September 9th at Chissy’s
Motion to anjourn made by Jeff and second by Elroy at 8:07pm

The board members approved the five scholarships: Eva Arndt, Kim Beck,Justin Lillesand, Evan Rathke & Joseph Wimmler.

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

March 11, 2014

The March 2014 meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at by EJ Lillesand.
The Secretary’s Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Royal and second by Jeff Born. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Randy and second by Darlene.

Unfinished business~
Flyer is finished and we will have some at Aprils meeting to hand out to members.

Scholarship – we have 5 applications for this year, Nancy is working on getting them read & scored for the April meeting. Discussion on updating the application and adding questions for 2015.

Steak Fry – Served 444 people, sound system was great addition to event. We will need to bring own laptop for the slide show. We will get a contract for 2015 with Belgium Community Center.

New Business ~
Field day ~ Jay Wimmler will be hosting the event. Date will be posted on the website. Donna will contact them regarding setting the date. We need to help organize topics & speakers for eventIdeas for Guest Speakers for upcoming meetings.

Open Forum ~
Ron asked about our association joining the Wisconsin Cattleman’s Association, the issue was voted to join the Association and Nichole will get the information.
Reminder April’s meeting is scheduled to address donation to 2014 events.

Next meeting is April 8th at 7:00pm at Chissy’s
Motion to adjourn made by Wayne, second by Karen

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

January 14, 2014

The January 2014 meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:18 pm by Wayne Goehring.
The Secretary’s Report was read, a motion to accept as read was approved. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by EJ and second by Dave.

Guest Speaker was Shawn Stevens from Gass, Weber & Mullins, an equity member of the firm, is one of the only lawyers in America that dedicates his entire practice to representing the food industry. Mr. Stevens has defended food industry clients against high-profile food borne illness outbreak, including E.coli 0157. There are ongoing issues to food safety, regulatory compliance, crisis management related to foodborne illness in our industry.

Unfinished business~
Flyer~ Donna will contact Cary regarding the flyer.
Scholarship ~ the website has been updated and applications can be emailed.
Steak Fry tickets were handled out to members at the meeting. EJ will be handling the tickets.
We have a sound system for the entertainment.
Royal has Chris Barnes lined up for the event.
Please bring your raffle items to the event and contact Nichole regarding the name to the Thank you board. Send pictures to Wayne to be added to the slideshow.
Desserts~ we need all members to bring desserts to the events.
Helpers ~ contact Donna Jeske regarding where /when you can help with event
Cleanup ~ need to check with Belgium Community Center regarding issue
Field Day ~ Jay Wimmler will be hosting the event. Date will be posted on the website. Donna will contact them regarding setting the date. We need to help organize.

New Business ~
Wayne discussed the idea of our association joining the Wisconsin Cattleman’s Association to keep contact with updating issues and concerns.

Elections results: 2016 Royal Boehlke, Jeff Born & Wayne Goehring
Terms expiring in 2014~ Garret Depies,E.J Lillesand & Randy Rortvedt
Terms expiring in 2015 ~ Donna Jeske, Nichole Paulow & Jolene Kohlwey

Guest Speakers~ Nichole will set up speaker for March’s meeting.
Next meeting is March 11th at 7:00pm at Chissy’s
Motion to adjourn made by Royal, second by Randy

The board members decided on the following positions:
President: EJ Lillesand
Vice President: Wayne Goehring
Treasurer: Nichole Paulow
Secretary: Donna Jeske

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske


November 12, 2013

The November meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:10 pm by Wayne Goehring.
The Secretary’s Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Karen and second by Royal. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Royal and second by Ron.

Wayne stated that Garrett was stepping as President. Due to the short notice Wayne did not have much information on the meeting business.

Unfinished business~

Flyer~ Donna will contact Cary regarding the flyer. Make sure we include 2016 meeting dates.
Scholarship ~ The website has been updated and applications can be emailed.
Steak Fry tickets were handled out to members at the meeting. EJ will be handling the tickets.
Steak Fry ~ Donna will contact Belguim Community Center regarding the sound system for the entertainment. Royal has the black guy lined up for the event.
Please get your raffle items to Jolene. Send pictures to Wayne to be added to the slideshow.

Field day ~ Jay Wimmler will be hosting the event. Date will be posted on the website.

New Business ~

Due to the small amount of members at the meeting, Elections will be at January’s meeting.
Terms expiring in 2014~ Garret Depies,E.J Lillesand & Randy Rortvedt
Terms expiring in 2015 ~ Donna Jeske, Nichole Paulow & Jolene Kohlwey

Guest Speakers~ Royal & Nichole will work on speakers for January & March’s meeting.

Next meeting is January 15 at 7:00pm at Chissy’s

Motion to adjourn made by Ron , second by Royal

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

September 2013

The September meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers & Promoters was called to order at 7:09pm by Garret Depies.
No Secretary’s Report. The Treasurer Report was read, a motion to accept as read by Rose and second by EJ.

Thank you notes were received by Jennifer Spindler,Jeff Born & Justin Lillesand.

We had a guest speaker : Terry Quam, Chairperson for Wisconsin Cattleman’s.

Unfinished business~

Please send Donna Jeske information to add to website ~ cattle for sale, would like farm pictures & some of the benches we purchased.
Flyer~ Cary needs more ads to finish the flyer.
Jr Scholarship ~ Nichole Paulow stated that they did not receive any applications for the show camp.

New Business ~

Steak Fry~ the tickets will $22.00 again this year and we will have tickets at November’s meeting. If, you have any pictures from last year, send them to Wayne Goehring.
November is election month. Terms expiring in 2013 ~ Ron Jentsch, Wayne Goehring & Mark VandenHeuvel
Terms expiring in 2014~ Garret Depies,E.J Lillesand & Randy Rortvedt
Terms expiring in 2015 ~ Donna Jeske, Nichole Paulow & Jolene Kohlwey

Guest Speakers~ please send us ideas or names.

Next meeting is November 12th at 7:00pm at Chissy’s

Motion to adjourn made by Royal Boehlke, second by EJ lillesand

Respectfully ~ Donna Jeske

April 2013

The April Meeting was called to order at 7:10pm by Garret Depies.

Secretary's report was read, a motion to accept the minutes as read by Dave Jeske , second by Ed Beck. The Treasurer report was read, a motion to accept by Ed Beck, second by Dave Schleicher. Guest Speaker was Jim Thormodson from Zoetis. Any questions regarding vaccinations contact him at [email protected] or 715-559-5759

Unfinished Business:
Flyer : Due on May 1st send Pictures & Information to Cary. We will add dates for 2016 to flyer
Website : has been updated with new information. Please send Donna or Pat new pictures or ideas.
Field Day : Wayne will check with a few members for location for 2013
Jr. Scholarship : the committee worked out the details and have set up a program for 5 youth to apply for show camp. Nichole will mail the information to all members with details. Due April 30th. A motion to accept by EJ Lillesand, second by Wayne.
Marica made a motion to pay Donna Jeske $200 for all the work on the steak fry. No second, denied.

New Business: Donations

  • Block & Bridle -$350
  • Valley Beef - $500
  • Beef Expo- $500
  • Wi Livestock Breeders Association- $500
  • Northeast Youth Livestock- $500
  • Heifer Jackpot show -$300

Speaker ideas ~ Jim from Zoetis ~gave some ideas, EJ will contact.
Any other Business ~ Memorial Benches will be made this summer and placed by the Beef Barn in the Plymouth Fair grounds.

Motion to adjourn by Ej & Second by David Jeske.

The Board of Directors met following the meeting to award scholarships:
Samuel Arndt - $750.
Justin Lillesand- $750.

Respectfully, Donna Jeske

Next Meeting – Field Day – not decided yet

March 12, 2013

The March Meeting was called to order at 7:15pm by Garret Depies.

Secretary’s report was read, a motion to accept the minutes as read by Ed Beck , second by Randy Rortvedt. The Treasurer report was read, a motion to accept by Tony Birling, second by Karen Nieuhaus.


  • Ticket money still outstanding
  • 448 People served
  • Many good comments, we had enough help this year
  • Need to do door prizes before 8:00pm - Move entertainment to 8:15
  • Add information to slide show: Donations, Event times & Thank You’s
  • Master of Ceremonies
  • Check on New Rules for Inspections
  • Sound system needs improvement
  • Meet with BCC regarding event for 2014

Flyer: is not finished, send Pictures & Information to Cary. Looking for information to add to flyer.
Website: has been updated with new information. Please send Donna or Pat new pictures or ideas.


Field Day : need locations for 2013
Ideas for guest speakers : We will have a speaker for April’s Meeting.
Scholarships: we have two applications, Nancy will have them scored by April.
New Members: Katie & Cheryl Jeske – lifetime members.

Open Forum ~ Ed Beck asked about starting a grant program for youth. We will have a committee to look into putting it together for April’s meeting.

Motion to adjourn by Tony Birling & Second by Ed Beck.

Respectfully, Donna Jeske

Next Meeting April 9th 7:00pm

January 2013

January 2013 Secretary's Report

Meeting called to order by Garrett Depies

Secretary's report was read by Nichole Paulow written by Donna Jeske was approved by Karen Nienhaus and Seconded by Kurt Schoessow.

Treasurers report read & approved on a motion by Doris Beck and seconded by Rosie TeBeest

Unfinished Business:

Scholarship: Scholarships were paid out to Sam Arndt, Justin Lillesand, Tiffany Born & Sabrina Boehlke still waiting on Kallie Schoessow.

Steak Fry: EJ Lillesand still has tickets left, if need some please contact him. Wayne Goehring, is working on the slide show if you have new pictures please contact him. Royal contracted David Seeback for the entertainment for this year. Nichole and Karen will be doing Raffles through-out the night. We will be doing 50/50 and silent auctions this year, if you have anything for silent auction please contact Nichole Paulow or bring with you that evening. A sign-up sheet was sent around for sign-up for duties for the weekend, Set-up/serving/cooking/cleanup/etc.

Nichole will be sending out a reminder postcard for the steak fry. With reminders of Desserts, Clean-up, Raffle Items needed, Ads for Flier.

Flier: Carrie Schoessow had the old flier there for changes that night and looking for more changes.

Website: Donna has been working hard on updating the website. Keep watching for updates.

New Business:

Speakers: We need ideas for speakers

Any Other New Business:
Some people would like to sell some and wondering how to do that. EJ mentioned that we could possibly have an On-Line Auction. We would people to look into that.

Meeting adjourned on a motion by Rosie TeBeest and Randy Rortvedt

Steak Fry February 16th
Next Meeting March 12th at 7pm at Chissy's

Submitted By Nichole Paulow


November 13, 2012

The November meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers and Promoters was called to order at 7:10 by Garret Depies.

Secretary's report was read, a motion to accept the minutes as read by Wayne Goehring, second by E.J. Lillesand. The Treasurer report was read, a motion to accept as read by E.J. Lillesand, second by Elroy Nieuhaus.


  • Minutes from meetings must be on Web Site
  • Date for Steak Feed info on Web Site
  • Get your ads or updates for ads for the new flyer to Carry Schoessow so it can be finished before February


A motion by Wayne Goehring to make 2 benches as memorial's to Merlin (Shifty) Spindler and Carla Born. Randy Rortvedt second the motion, motion passed.

  • Thank You notes from The Splindler Family, Sharon Richardson Hospice House and a framed signature wall hanging and Thank You from North East Youth Livestock were received.

Steak Out:

  • Royal has booked a Comedian for entertainment
  • HELP HELP for set-up, dinner, and clean-up
  • Set requirements for the 4-H club
  • Update pictures for slide show

We need ideas for guest speakers for upcoming meeting - any ideas let Garret Depies know.

Election, Jolene Kohlway, Nichole (Nienhaus) Paulow, and Donna Jeske are the new board members.

Motion by Royal Boelke, second by Doug Inselman to adjourn the meeting.

NEXT MEETING - JANUARY 15, 2013 at 7:00 Chissy's - Waldo, WI

STEAK OUT FEBRUARY 16, 2013 Tickets available contact Royal Boelke and EJ Lillisand

Respectfully, Marcia Fenner

The meeting was called to order for election of officers by Garrett Depies.
Wayne,Nichole, Randy, EJ & Donna in attendance.

The following were appointed:
President – Garrett Depies
Vice President- Wayne Goehring
Secretary –Donna Jeske
Treasurer – Nichole Paulow

Meetings for the next three years were assigned.


Respectfully Submitted, Donna Jeske

September 11, 2012

The September meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers and Promoters was called to order at 7:10 by Garret Depies.

Secretary's report was read, a motion to accept the minutes as read by E.J. Lillesand, second by Rosemary TeBeest. The Treasurer report was read, a motion to accept as read by E.J. Lillesand second by Don Fenner.

Thank you notes were received from Justin Lillesand, Evan Rathke, Sabrina Boehlke and the Wisconsin Jr. Hereford Association.

We need updates on meeting nights etc. to redo our Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers and Promoters Directory. Any new or revisions on your ads must be in before December 1, 2012. They can be brought to the November meeting.

By unanimous decision it was decided to send letters to delinquent members, however we must wait for a list of recently paid memberships from the Treasurer.

The committee to discuss and set guidelines for Memorials will be Donna Jeske, E.J. Lillesand, Ed Beck and Rosie TeBeest. E.J. Lillesand made a motion to sent $50.00 to the Sharon S. Richardson Community Hospice in Sheboygan Falls in memory of Merlin (Shifty) Spindler.

Steak Feed Tickets:

  • Motion by Rosie TeBeest second by E.J. Lillesand to raise tickets to $22.00
  • Wayne Goehring to have tickets ready for the November meeting
  • E.J. Lillesand will handle all ticket sales
  • November is election month. Terms up will be Rob Ash, Karen Nieuhaus and Marcia Fenner.

Terms expiring in 2013 are Ron Jentsch, Wayne Goehring, and Mark VandenHeuvel.

Terms expiring in 2014 are Garret Depies, E.J. Lillesand and Randy Rortvedt.

Motion to adjourn made by E.J. Lillesand, second by Mark VandenHeuvel

Respectfully, Marcia Fenner

April 10, 2012

Our speaker this evening was Jim Scheroff, Agronomist from Adell Co-op. He talked about Pasture Maintance.

The April meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers and Promoters was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Garret Depies.

Secretary's report was read , a motion to accept the minutes as read by Ron Jentsch, second by Elroy Nienhaus. The Treasurer report was read, a motion to accept by Dave Schleicher, second by Jeff Born.

After much discussion on membership and scholarships, it was decided that we do need to adhere to the Bylaw #4.01 on Membership. Producer Membership: Beef growers along with their spouse and family members under 21 may become voting members by payment of dues as fixed by the Board of Directors. (Each paid membership is entitled to one vote.) Dues presently are $75.00 for a 5 year membership and $250.00 for a lifetime membership.


  • 5 year membership will be awarded to scholarship recipients
  • Your family membership must be current


  • Block and Bridle $350.00
  • Valley Beef $500.00
  • Beef Expo $500.00
  • WI Livestock Breeders Association $500.00
  • ortheast Youth Livestock Show $500.00

Motion by EJ to pay all donations and give Northeast Youth Livestock Show another $300.00 if they have a Heifer Jack Pot Show. Randy Rortvedt second the motion.

Field Day will be held at Garret Depies farm on July 15, 2012.

Dave Schleicher made a motion to adjourn the meeting, second by Donald Fenner. Meeting adjourned.

The Board of Directors meet following the meeting to award scholarships.

  • Samuel Arndt $750.00
  • Justin Lillesand $750.00
  • Evan Rathke $400.00
  • Tiffany Born $400.00
  • Sabrina Boehlke $400.00
  • Kallie Schoessow $300.00

Marcia Fenner, Secretary

January 17, 2012

Meeting was called to order at 7:20 by Garret Depies

Secretary's report was read and approved by Elroy Nieuhaus, second by Rob Ash. Treasurers report was read and approved on a motion by Nicole Nieuhaus and second by E.J.

Discussed guest speakers, Garret will make some contacts for future meetings.


  • 2 scholarships were paid and 2 scholarship recipients have not sent their grades therefore are not paid
  • Received thank you notes from Sam Arndt and Justin Lillestand


  • Get pictures to Wayne Goehring as soon as possible
  • Royal has entertainment secured for the Steak Feed, should be better than last year.
  • Marcia Fenner needs silent auction items soon
  • Tickets are selling quite well
  • Tables must be cleaned up except for some tables close to the bar
  • Need a dining room attendant: we need to set up and take down as that is part of our reduced dining hall rental
  • Silver ware must be counted and probably some purchased
  • Mushrooms and onions need to be by Liz on Thursday

Motion by EJ second by Royal to give 2 tickets to the Minister for his services at the Steak Feed.

Thank you's were read from the Northeast Youth Livestock Show, Wisconsin Livestock Breeders Association and Block and Bridle

Motion by EJ to sponsor the Jack-Pot show at Northeast Youth Livestock show, second by Rob Ash. EJ and Rob Ash will co-chair the Jack-Pot show committee, Garret will be on the committee.

Mark VandenHeuvel will check on the possibility of starting a beef show in Washington County in Spring of 2013.

Motion by EJ second by Royal Boelke to notify delinquent members by letter.

Motion by EJ and second by Randy Rortvedt to up-date the flyer. Kurt and Cary Schoessow will be asked to Chair the committee. Rob Ash made a motion that we raffle off an ad 3 1/2 x 6 at the Steak Feed , cost of $150.00 for the new flyer, second by Royal Boelke

Motion to adjourn by EJ, second by Ron Jentsch, meeting adjourned at 8:20

Respectfully Submitted,
Marcia Fenner


Don't forget your bars and volunteer to help!!!


November 8, 2011

Meeting was called to order by President Garrett Depies at 7:25 p.m.

Secretary's report was read and approved by Rob Ash, motion second by Elroy Nieuhaus. Treasurers report was read and approved on a motion by Dick Beck and second by Donald Fenner.


Scholarship committee was not available for comments, will discuss scholarships at the January meeting. Scholarship committee is Jenny Kohlwey, Nancy Schleicher and Kurt Schoessow.

Discussion on changing the meeting date from September to October was tabled until the flyer is redone next year.

Northeast Youth Livestock would allow Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers to have a "Jack Pot Heifer Show" at their show. Details will be discussed at our January meeting.


Royal Boehlke is working on entertainment for the Steak Out in February. Tickets were not available at the November meeting. If you have any new pictures for the slide show please get them to Wayne Goehring very soon.

Price for the Steak Out will remain the same as last year at $20.00. A motion was made by Doris Beck to give Dave Melotte 4 complimentary tickets to the Steak Out, second by Elroy Nieuhaus.

Donna Jeske is checking on posters advertising our Steak Out. There was discussion on taking the chairs and tables down too soon. Donna Jeske will check with the Community Center if we can't work out a better solution to this.

The attendance at our meetings has not been real good, Garrett will look into a speaker for some meetings which may help for better attendance.

Election of Board members:

  • Randy Rortvedt
  • EJ Lillesand
  • Garret Depies

Ron Jentsch closed nominations second by Doris Beck.

Ron Jentsch cast a unaminous ballot for the board members, second by Richard Beck. A motion was made by Richard Beck second by Doris Beck to adjourn the meeting.

The meeting was called to order for election of officers by Garret Depies. Rob, Garret, Wayne, Ron, Marcia and Karen in attendance.

  • President- Garret Depies
  • Vice President- Ron Jentsch
  • Secretary - Marcia Fenner
  • Treasurer-Karen Nieuhaus

Motion made by Garret to adjourn the meeting second by Wayne Goehring, motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,
Marcia Fenner





April 13, 2010

The April 13th meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers and Promoters was called to order @7:10 by President Rob Ash.

Ryan Albinger of Byron Seed Company was our speaker. His topic was grazing management and forages.

Secretary's report was read.. Motion by E.J. second by Randy to accept the minutes as read, motion carried. Treasure's report balance today is $13,401.93.The final profit on the steak feed was $5567.86. Motion by Doris Beck and second by Donald Fenner to accept the report as read. The entertainment at the steak feed was excellent. We received the contract for Belgium Community Center. It will be returned promptly, date for 2011 is February 19, 2011.

There were 4 scholarship applicants. There was some discussion on a 5 year membership for scholarship winners, no decision, tabled till next meeting. Discussion on applying on line in the future, will check on that.

  • Membership flyers are here and need to be distributed.
  • Web site needs new info, possibly put our new flyer on.

Sponsorships and donations

  • WLBA - $500.00
  • Valley Beef - $750.00 money for general fund, or overall show expense, not class sponsors
  • Northeast Youth Livestock - $500.00
  • World Beef Expo - $500.00
  • Would there be room for a display at the Northeast Youth Livestock show for a halter broke calf display - to be offered for sale? Elroy Nieuhaus will check on this.

Motion by Garret, second by Randy to approve the donations, by a hand vote it was agreed to send the above amounts of money.

E.J. made a motion and second by Richard Beck to help out the Washington County Beef Daily Care and Fitting Clinic. Will send $200.00, if expenses are less they will return unused money.
Rob will contact the Keil's to be sure they are still interested in hosting the field day.

Discussion of Wisconsin Beef Council Beef Promotion. Farm Bureau and the Beef Council to provide materials and money for the promotion. Discussion dropped for lack of interest.
Rob Ash has agreed to do a Summer Flyer to inform members of upcoming events such as the Field Day.

Donald Fenner made a motion to adjourn and it was second by EF. Motion carried

The executive board met following the business meeting for the purpose of deciding on the amounts of the four scholarships. There will be one $750.00, two $500.00 and one $250.00 scholarships awarded. Motion by Ryan Goehring and second by Garret to grant four students the scholarships.

Marcia Fenner


March 2010

The March meeting of the Eastern Wisc Beef Producers and Promoters was called to order @ 7:20 p.m. by Vice President Garrett Depies.

There was no secretary's report presented.

Treasurer's report was read. motion to accept was made by Dave Jeske, 2nd by Todd Nienhaus. Motion carried.

A report was given on the Steak Fry. Profit to date was $2595.44 with approximately $3000.00 left to come in from ticket money. There are also some unpaid expenses. Final report will be made in April. Turnout was good. More help is needed in the kitchen and serving lines. Discussion was held on how to let people know what we do with the profits. Suggestions were to include this in the slide show and possibly have the scholarship winners attend.

Flyers were distributed at the Steak Fry - nice job. Rob Ash has 4 boxes, anyone needing some please contact him.

Web Site: There was a problem with the web site for a period of time - scholarship forms could not be accessed. Contact Pat VandenHuevel if you have questions or problems. It was suggested to possibly redue the home page to make it more attractive.

Field Day: Wayne Kiel, A & K Acres has volunteered to hold the field day again if no one else steps up. Discussion followed to possibly have a clinic for youngsters or some type of children's activities would be good. Possibly contact 4-HJ clubs to inform them about the field day.

There will be a fitting and nutrition clinic in Washington Co. late April to mid May.

Donations: Letter read from WLBA attending banquet or getting t-shirts for our donation from last year also asking for a donation this year. We will get the t-shirts and use for door prizes at the Steak Fry or field day. A letter from River Falls Block & Bridle Club was read asking for donations for their May 2nd show. Motion to donate $350.00 was made by Karen Nienhaus, 2nd by Ryan Goehring. Motion Carried. Discussion was held on possibly giving larger donations to some the organizations we support since the treasury is in good shape. All other donation requests were tabled till April meeting.

Open Forum: National Show will be in Wisc. in 2011. Valley Beef Show is June 4 & 5, registrations should be in by May 15. Camping is $10.00 Anyone can and should recommend speakers - contact Rob - 1 possible is a representative from Adell C0-0p.

Motion to adjourn by Royal Boehlke, 2nd Ryan Goehring. Motion carried Next meeting April 13, 2010

January 19, 2010

The meeting of the Eastern Wisconsin Beef Producers and Promoters was called to order by President Rob Ash at 7:05 p.m. on January 19, 2010.
Randy Rortvedt read the secretary's report. Doris Beck made a motion to accept the minutes as read and second by Elroy Nienhaus, motion passed.

Treasurer's report, reported by Karen Nienhaus, has a balance of $9922.49. Four of five scholarships have been paid out, scholarship costs are $1950.00. Motion by Evelyn Rathke to accept the treasurer report as read, second by Merlin Spindler.

Steak Feed:

  1. Does anyone know where the left over vegetables from last year are?
  2. Ticket sales - please let Marcia know if you are selling the tickets or have unsold tickets before February 6th. We can order the proper amounts of food when we know how the ticket sales are going.
  3. Please let Marcia know about door prizes, or silent auction prizes so we can properly thank the donors.
  4. Darlene or Doris will check with Belgium if it is o.k. to deliver the steaks directly to the Community Center.
  5. Table waiter's and waitress's will get $15.00 per person, and Donna Jeske will talk to Darlene about the limit of help needed.
  6. BARS - 1-2 pans per member
  7. REMEMBER; Clean up after the evening has ended!!
  8. Royal has contacted Glen Girarde for entertainment
  9. Is the stage movable? Can it be more centered?
  10. Royal will work on someone for a prayer

Grates - Karen Nienhaus will check our insurance, then we will determine who should own them. They are reserved for 2010, but Ron dosn't know how long we can do this and he will be making new grates.

Reported by Nancy Schleicher, the scholarship forms and format be left as is.

The membership flyer is ready for print, January meeting was the last chance for any changes, if you do have any please contact Kurt or Cary Schoessow. Marcia will call new member Dick Wimmler and ask if they are interested in placing an ad in the flyer. Flyers should be ready at the Steak Feed.

It appears that Wayne Keil will host the Field Day if no one else comes forward.

Web site will list any cattle for sale, show success etc. Contact Pat Vandenheuvel for any information you want on the Web site.

A request was received from the Block N Bridle for a donation to be used for their Show in early May. All donation money requests will be discussed and honored in April.

Thank you's were read from World Beef Expo and Wisc Livestock Breeders Association for money donated.

Membership: $75.00 for 5 years and $250.00 for lifetime membership.

Open Forum: Beef Feed FEBRUARY 20, 2010 at Belgium Community Center, call 920-467-6750 for tickets.

Next meeting March 9, 2010.
Dave Schleicher made a motion to adjourn , second by Richard Beck. Motion carried.

Marcia Fenner, Secretary

2010 meeting dates: 2/20, 3/9, 4/13, July Field Day?, 9/14, 11/9.


September 8, 2009

Call to order:
The meeting was called to order at 7:10pm at Chissy's in Waldo.

Review minutes:
Reading of the April 14th minutes. Doris B. made a motion to accept the secretary's report as read and seconded by Elroy N. Motion passed.

Treasurer's report:
Karen reported the treasury balance was at $12,772.49 with income of $520 from flyer ads and expenses of $700 for donations, $200 for hall rent, $36.68 for postage, $350 for web page, $45.44 for printing, $210 4-H donations, and $10 service charge. Jim G made a motion to accept the treasurer's report and seconded by Don F. Motion passed.

Old Business:
Update phone tree / website info: Rob handed Kurt S. the information so Kurt had it for the flyer

Northeastern Youth Livestock Show:
EJ L. made a motion to donate $100. No second was made. Motion failed. EJ made a motion to donate $300 and seconded by Nancy S. Motion passed.

Rob is going to talk to someone from the Denmark FFA to see if somebody could come down and talk to us about the show and possibly see if the club could work with them on having a prospect sale.

World Beef Expo:
Donation - Kurt made a motion to donate $500 and a second was made by Garret D. Motion passed.

Scholarship update:
Nancy S. said she will try to have a committee meeting before November 10 meeting to give us an update.

Steak feed:
Karen reported that the final profit was $4832.46. Marcia F. is going to get a hold of Wayne G. about getting the tickets printed.

Membership flyer:
Kurt S. asked for pictures of the Field Day to put in the flyer. Kurt also said there were still spaces to be filled.

Field Day report:
Rob said they did a great job. Animart gave a talk on the vaccination program. They walked the pasture and looked at cattle. They had a judging contest which Jim G. won.

Again Rob encouraged everyone to use the website.

Open Form:
Nancy S. needs pictures of educational information on beef displays you had at your fairs to send to the Beef Council.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:20pm by Jim G. and seconded by Elroy N. The next meeting is November 10, 2009.